What is WooCommerce?
Known for its ability to include custom website features and a user-friendly website interface, WordPress is used by most small-mid level enterprises. CNN, UPS, The Rolling Stones and Mashable-- all high profile companies-- manage their content through WordPress.
The primary appeal of WooCommerce is including dynamic features, for both the end-user and the business owner. WooCommerce is second to no other ecommerce solution when it comes to informational page and blog post structure, thanks to its strong WordPress foundation. For business owners who need to educate uninformed customers about the merits and purpose of their product, this is essential. Customizing the website to highlight brand colors and messaging and optimizing for mobile is a natural phase of the project. WooCommerce gives business owners ample opportunity to gain new customers through SEO opportunities as well. With insights from WooCommerce’s advanced sales analytics platform, ecommerce store owners can inform their overarching marketing and sales strategy.
LI Ecommerce has built dynamic and interactive WordPress websites utilizing the WooCommerce extension for a wide range of businesses.Our experienced team can identify and install features that will help end-users to have a more complete ecommerce experience. allneeds, our experienced team can identify which plugins your unique website needs. We can help your business boost conversion rates and increase sales with a robust, aesthetically appealing WooCommerce website.
Benefits of WooCommerce as a WordPress Plugin
Integrated with WordPress
WordPress is recognized as one of the best website management platforms available-- period. Integrating WooCommerce into a WordPress website gives business owners the best of both worlds-- structured content and an intuitive store.
Create Dynamic Pages
Among other accolades, WordPress is known for its high design potential. The same applies to WooCommerce. We can build highly detailed and brand-centric web pages that resonate with the user.
Open-Source Software
When it comes to customization, the sky's the limit. WooCommerce websites can be modified to include any number of features, and designed to appeal to any audience.
Website-Enhancing Extensions
With WooCommerce, there’s always another option to augment your website. The expansive (and ever-increasing) library of extensions enables you to send automated emails to customers, track SEO, and more.
Product Reviews
No matter how persuasive your copy is, customers are always more likely to believe each other about the value of your product than they are to believe you. The streamlined product pages on WooCommerce stores make it easy for customers to leave and find reviews.
Complements Informational Pages
To educate customers and boost conversion rates, some ecommerce stores require detailed informational pages. The WordPress format offers a much better site structure for these pages than competitor ecommerce stores.
Increased Product Exposure
Like brick-and-mortar shoppers, ecommerce customers aren’t always certain about what they will be purchasing. WooCommerce takes advantage of that opportunity. Through WooCommerce’s sophisticated software, you can display up-selling (items that fulfill the same purpose at a more expensive price) and cross-selling (items that fulfill a different purpose at a similar price) options.
Mobile/Location Responsive
Having a mobile-friendly website is no longer an option or perk. It’s essential. WooCommerce makes it simple for users to optimize their WordPress websites for mobile use, and change the tax/shipping rates based on location.
Integrated SEO/Marketing Features
Experts everywhere recognize WordPress websites for their superior SEO rankings. WooCommerce stores have every opportunity to rank for targeted keywords, and develop a positive internet presence.
Sell Any Product
Ebooks and digital seminars give customers valuable information. WooCommerce is capable of selling digital products that, instead of being shipped to your house, come in the form of a download code. You can also sell affiliate products-- or related products sold by non-competitors-- with easy integration.
Professional Appearance
When shopping at an ecommerce store, authenticity is important. Customers who receive an order and shipping confirmation, see a regulated inventory, and have the options to input coupon codes are more likely to return. The professional features on WooCommerce websites lend great credence to their legitimacy.
Built-in Analytics
In the retail industry, it’s good to be data-driven. WooCommerce’s integrated analytics system gives ecommerce store owners actionable information such as average order totals and sales, which helps them to make better decisions moving forward.
Free to Use
Like WordPress, the simplest version of the WooCommerce plugin is free. As functionality needs increase, users can simply purchase one of the more expensive subscriptions.
Appeal Internationally
Why create multiple websites for customers in different countries when WooCommerce can do it for you? WooCommerce can create localized versions of the same websites with easily converted variables like language, taxes, and measuring units.
Getting Paid Has Never Been Easier
When shopping on an ecommerce store, paying should be the easiest part of the process. By optimizing integration with PayPal and Stripe, customers can pay with any method of their choice.
Integrates with Facebook
A positive social media presence is essential for branding and engagement purposes. With WooCommerce, you can integrate your Facebook feed into your website to increase exposure.
Build a One-Stop Experience for Customers
With accessible information and product pages designed to convert, WooCommerce gives customers every reason to purchase your products. LI Ecommerce can help you to shape this unforgettable customer experience by tailoring design, features and overall functionality to your customers.