Custom Solutions

Augment your original or existing ecommerce store with a
unique, custom-coded feature that delivers a flawless customer
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Deliver a Customized, Seamless E-Commerce Experience

Your ecommerce store should be a selling tool, designed to sell your products to your customers. By integrating custom-coded elements into your website, you can offer customers the best possible experience.

Out-of-the-box content management systems do not offer ecommerce store owners the full range of configuration options needed to maximize sales. Rather than utilizing plugins, which compromise speed and lead to inevitable complications down the line, you need a unique solution that fits your needs. We can write a customized website code that enables full control over intuitive inventory systems, product categorization, and customer experience. With your customers in mind, we can incorporate any website element that simplifies the selling process, and increases ROI.


At Long Island E-Commerce Solutions, we have worked with a wide range of ecommerce stores, each with a unique selling strategy that shaped overall website needs. Our customer experience-focused team can assess what custom features your website needs, and implement these features within your website. Throughout the process, we prioritize your individual needs. (CTA)

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Customize Your Website to Improve Sales

Based on your customer’s unique needs, there are several ways that we can simplify the customer purchasing process.

With custom-coded on-page elements, you’re not just enhancing -- you’re enabling. Enjoy a host of unique capabilities that will boost your conversion rate, as well as your bottom line.

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Show customers the product they are ordering as they order it. With a product builder, you can render a real-time depiction of the customizable product.
Show customers the product they are ordering as they order it. With a product builder, you can render a real-time depiction of the customizable product.
Show customers the product they are ordering as they order it. With a product builder, you can render a real-time depiction of the customizable product.
Show customers the product they are ordering as they order it. With a product builder, you can render a real-time depiction of the customizable product.

Refine Your Capabilities Today

As experts in all aspects of ecommerce store design and execution, we can create the optimal website for your industry. The experienced team at Long Island Ecommerce Solutions can help you use your web -site to generate more business, and build lasting relationships.

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